Buzz Aldrin - Apollo 11 Astronauts - 1/6 Scale Actionfigur

DiD Sixth Scale Actionfigur, geliefert mit Austausch- und Zubehörteilen in Sammlerbox.

  • DIDNA002
  • DiD
July 16 1969, a journey to the moon started. Commander Neil A. Armstrong, Lunar Module Pilot... mehr
Collectible "Buzz Aldrin - Apollo 11 Astronauts - 1/6 Scale Actionfigur"

July 16 1969, a journey to the moon started. Commander Neil A. Armstrong, Lunar Module Pilot (LMP) Edwin E. “Buzz” Aldrin, and Command Module Pilot (CMP) Michael Collins undertook the historic mission. With Neil Armstrong becoming the first man to walk on the moon on July 20, humanity’s first attempt on lunar landing succeeded.

To honor this special moment, with over two years in research and development, DID proudly present the series of 1/6 Apollo 11 Astronauts Collectible Figures: Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins.

Super Realistic Headsculpt

Extravehicular Pressure Suit and Intravehicular Suit

Oxygen Purge System with detailed internal structure

Portable Life Support System with detailed internal structure

Extravehicular Visor and Pressure bubble helmet


Buzz Aldrin

  • Base
  • Super realistic headsculpt
  • E Body
  • Open palms
  • Relax palms
  • Extravehicular Pressure Suit
  • White shirt
  • Communication Carrier (Snoopy Cap)
  • Microphone and earpiece
  • Extravehicular Visor
  • Pressure bubble helmet
  • Extravehicular glove
  • Data list pocket
  • Checklist pocket and scissors pocket
  • Intravehicular boots
  • Lunar Overboots
  • Oxygen Purge System with detailed internal structure
  • Portable Life Support System with detailed internal structure and hose x 5
  • Remote Control Unit with cover and hose
  • Pressure valve
  • Watch
  • Moon surface base stand
  • US National flag
  • Box-shape scoop
  • Gnomon
  • Light weigh hammer
  • Extension Handle
  • Patch and Insignia
  • Nasa Patch
  • Apollo 11 Mission Patch
  • Name plate
  • US National flag insignia


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Eigenschaften "Buzz Aldrin - Apollo 11 Astronauts - 1/6 Scale Actionfigur"
Thema: NASA
Produkt: Sixth Scale Figur
Scale: 1/6 Scale
Grösse: 30cm (11.5")
Material: PVC / Stoff
Verpackung: Box
Hersteller: DiD
Bei unseren Produkten handelt es sich um Sammlerartikel Diese sind nur für Erwachsene... mehr
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Die Action Figuren von DiD sind mit diversen Artikulationspunkten und Austausch- und... mehr
Herstellerinformation "DiD"

Die Action Figuren von DiD sind mit diversen Artikulationspunkten und Austausch- und Zubehörteilen ausgestattet. Die Figuren beeindrucken mit tollen Head-Sculpts, ihrer Beweglichkeit und detaillierten Kostümen.

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